Sister Love | The Common Creative: Sister Love

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sister Love

2 weeks since our last post? How did that happen! Jenni and I have been busy spending time together (yay!) and with family. It's been lovely having her here in Saskatchewan.

Just wanted to write a little post about Jenni, since it's her birthday today! And I really couldn't let her outdo me. (She did the same for me about a month ago!)

Jenni is a true artist. If you haven't seen her art on her own personal blog or Etsy shop, you are missing out. Take a look, she paints with a whimsical, nostalgic feel (self described!) and I love that. Jenni reminds me to take things slower and enjoy life as it comes. I know I often jump into my days full speed, doing as much as I can with the time I have awake. Jenni's artistic, thoughtful mind is a wonderful thing, and I love having her as a sister! As middle sisters in a family of 4 girls, we have to stick together! Writing a blog with her has been such a fun project!

(A sunny snapshot from our visit in White Rock a few weeks ago)

Happy Birthday Jenni! Love you lots, and glad I get to see you lots this summer!

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