Newlywed Nesting: Seasonal Decor | The Common Creative: Newlywed Nesting: Seasonal Decor

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Newlywed Nesting: Seasonal Decor

As Jenni and I are both newly married, these past few months we've been able to settle into our homes with those men we now call husbands. With our newest feature, newlywed nesting, we hope to show you a little of the creative projects we are working on in our respective homes.
Jordon and I live in a small basement suite. It's cozy, it's really nice, but it doesn't have too many windows. Just another reason to get more creative with my decor to make it feel cheery, even without the sun streaming in. 
I've decided there are a few places in our house that I like to change seasonally, these are two of them.

First, is my little glass covered terrarium. This was something we used during our wedding as we had a plethora of succulents as additions to our day. Now, it sits on our coffee table. I like to change its contents seasonally to reflect what's going on out of doors. So far, I've had red berries, some pebbles, and now these lovely everlasting flowers. Yes, they are fake. But what better way to preserve florals in a sun-less plaace?
Second, I like to change our clipboards in our living room. Yes, framed art is changeable, but who really takes the time to change it? I don't. Clipboards are so easy. I've had some prints and pieces from people I know, but currently they are images gathered from many places. I like the springy, muted colours they are representing currently. 
And yes, more fake flowers. I really do prefer real blooms, they make their way into these vases occasionally!
Just a few small things I like to do to give our home some reflections of the seasons. Do you decorate seasonally? 

Don't forget to enter our giveaway here! Closes Monday!

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