Netflix is such a wonderful creation. We don't have cable TV, so when we want to relax and watch a show, it's usually Netflix we turn to. The favourite as of lately is the show, Suits. Have you seen it? It's a really good show. Can't wait for the next season to come out!
Suits is based on a young guy named Mike with a photographic memory who previously made money by writing exams for other students. He gets hired by Harvey Spectre, an extremely successful lawyer, by default, not because of skill. The entire show is based around winning cases, politics between law firms, and hiding Mike's lack of experience.
image credit: Joy hog
Here's a few things I like about the show.
1. It's clever.
I love when I can't tell what a show is going to do next. These guys are determined to win cases, and the rules they attempt to get around in order to do that are insane! The politics between the law firms are ridiculous, but oh so entertaining.
2. It has a great, relatively unknown cast.
I haven't seen most of the actors and actresses on much before, but they are super talented. And Donna. Oh Donna. If you watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about. She's my favourite. Any Lewis fans out there? He is so hilarious.
3. Well-written dialogue.
If you like shows with a lot of good dialogue (Gilmore Girls, anyone?), this is a great show. I love it when a dramatic show gets a little more real-life with some good humour. They take themselves seriously, but not too seriously.
Has anyone else seen this show? What did you think?